Does Size Really Matter? Why the Small Dong Shame?

Henry (Hank) E Scott
Ask a Gay!
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2021


Dear Hank:

I’m sure you’ve heard this question before. But why does size matter so much to gay guys? (And I’m not talking about height). When I’m on a hookup site like Grindr or Scruff, guys hit me up asking “how big are you?” First of all, my profile clearly states that I am a bottom. So why does the size of my cock matter? Who really measures it anyway?

I’ve enjoyed sex with guys big and small, however you define it. Honestly, a guy who knows how to kiss is gonna turn me on a lot more than a guy who brags that he’s got a big banana. That doesn’t mean I don’t admire the penis. It’s what makes me a man. I am who I am, and I am penis proud!

Little Richard

The logo of the Temple of Priapus, for whose members Cock in God, no matter the size or shape or color.
The logo of the Temple of Priapus, for whose members Cock is God, no matter the size or shape or color.

Dear Little Richard:

I’m guessing your nickname is Dick? Yes, this is a very, very common question, and by that I don’t mean “why does it matter?” I’m talking about “how big is it?” Those on the hunt in the dark gay jungles of Grindr or Scruff or Mister are usually looking for a big banana.

The penis is something men focus on because many see it as a more accurate definer of masculinity than your tone of voice or how you dress. Women also focus on it. If you doubt that, check out “The Unhung Hero,” a documentary about a young man’s response to his girlfriend’s rejection of his marriage proposal because his penis was too small.

Chad and J.T. discuss small dong shaming on the Howard Stern Show

But there are some who are proud to be tucking a tiny one between their legs. Chad and JT, two bros who are social media stars, were stoked in July to be invited on the Howard Stern Show to discuss their small dongs and what they described as “small dong shame.” “We both have little beautiful peckers,” brags J.T. Then there’s the “Smallest Penis in Brooklyn” pageant, created by Aimee Arciulo in 2013 after she had hooked up with a man whose penis she described as “the size of an acorn.”

A poster for the Small Penis of Brooklyn contest

If dick discrimination is something you detest, you might want to consider joining the Phallic Brotherhood, a religion where Cock (aka Phallus) is God. The Phallic Brotherhood acknowledges that there are many breeds of cock, and asks that its members worship all of them, cut or uncut, big or small, with or without a PA. And it doesn’t discriminate based on sexual orientation or association with another religion.

“I believe in the Divinity of the Phallus, symbolized by Priapus, the graven manifestation of God Cock. Through worship of the Holy Phallus, my body, my sexuality, my spirituality and my life become one with all men,” says the Brotherhood’s Statement of Affirmation. “There is no creation but that which is created by Phallus. One your knees and worship Cock.”

Questions you can’t bring yourself to ask your gay friends and neighbors? Or maybe you’re just queer and befuddled. Send them to (Warning: The answers will be factually correct, but might not be politically correct)



Henry (Hank) E Scott
Ask a Gay!

Henry (Hank) Scott is the former CEO of Out Publishing (and thus a professional homosexual) and an amateur anthropologist who likes to explore gay culture