Will X (Twitter) Kill OnlyFans?

Henry (Hank) E Scott
2 min readAug 17, 2023

Dear Hank:

I’d glad to hear you’re back at AskAGay! So many questions, and we queer guys need answers.

Now, I’m not sure if my question is right for your column. It’s about a NSFW subject — Twitter (aka X).

I have an OnlyFans account, which really helps me pay my rent in crazy Miami. Like most of my other OnlyFans bros, I use Twitter to promote it. Every week — sometimes twice a week — a post a short video clip of me giving or taking it (I’m versatile!) with a link to my OnlyFans account. Twitter has been the best promo tool I’ve found. But now me and other OnlyFans “performers” are worried that crazy Elon Musk is going to block porn pics and videos. Since you’re a journalist, I thought I’d reach out to see if you’ve heard anything about this. And if it’s true, what should we do?

BTW, I’ll give you a 50% discount on my OnlyFans subscription if you really answer this question.

NSFW Worker

Dear NSFW Worker:

Well, you separately sent me a link to your Twitter/X profile, and I have to say you aren’t NSFW if your work is porn! I can see why your videos are helping you pay that crazy Miami rent.

As for your Twitter/X question — I wish I had a solid answer. As I’m sure you know, Elon Musk keeps flipping and flopping with his decisions about what he now calls “X.” There are accounts he has blocked and now restored. And now if you want to run ads — not the sort of clips you and your queer bros are posting — you have to pay X for a “check mark” (at $8 a month) that tells readers you’re for real. If you want a “Verification for Organizations” account (you really don’t need one), the cost is $1,000 a month. That might change any day now, given his eccentric management.

A Slavic boy promoting his OnlyFans page on Twitter. The other images are more explicit

There are other options. Take a look at the Porn Dude’s NSFW List, which lists a lot of subReddit platforms where you can promote that hot body of yours. Some people recommend posting on Quora, but you won’t be able to post videos there. Seeing you in action (not just getting a subscription pitch) is what inspires me to subscribe. Another option is My Gay Sites.

Wish I could offer a more positive answer. If you find that Musk doesn’t want to let you show those guys licking your musky pits on X anymore, let me know!

Hank (Never a fan of twits)

Questions you straight people can’t bring yourself to ask your gay friends and neighbors? Or maybe you’re just befuddled and queer. Send them to Hank@AskAGay.net. (Warning: The answers will be factually correct, but might not be politically correct)



Henry (Hank) E Scott

Henry (Hank) Scott is the former CEO of Out Publishing (and thus a professional homosexual) and an amateur anthropologist who likes to explore gay culture